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  • Ms. Ellie

A Seat at OUR Table

Live International Virtual Summit

A Seat at OUR Table is an initiative started by the planting of a seed, that has started now to develop into a fruitful tree!

A seat at OUR table is a call to OUR community to rise up and contribute to the building and maintaining of a table that is so needed for us. The chair is your work and the table is our community. There is room for everyone and anyone who is looking to push themselves, support others and progress forward in a positive direction. The ask is that you bring your personal passion, talents, purpose and dedication, but most importantly, your hard work that is required to help build and maintain the structure of the foundation we are laying down.

This is a Live International Virtual Summit, with the intention of having everyone share their expertise, skills, information and education while promoting their own business and supporting others at the same time. Everybody has something to offer, drawing on their own passions and God-given talents, and there is room at the table for it all.

As we know, the foundation is the most important part of any structure. As we build this foundation, we are seeking quality over quantity, products that exhume excellence in order to ensure that we are laying a foundation down that will stand the test of time. This is not only for our future, but for benefit of the future generations to come.

This is Edification, on a Global level! So pull up your chair, and share with the masses!

You were sent here with a gift, let the table support you!

Ms. Ellie

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